Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Christmas Break

The best thing about teaching...2 weeks paid vacation that don't even count as vacation time!! Of course Tyler was still busy because he works full time when he has a break. But we started it off by going to a USU basketball game...it's been a while since I've gone to one.

Then a quick day trip down to SLC for a baby shower and to see Tyler's mom sing at Temple square. The baby shower was dual for 2 of my old roommates, as it turns out 4/6 of us were all prego! Marlee was due the week after we had the shower, Lacey is due in Feb, I'm next in June and Kirstie is due in July.
(Ignore the crazy closed eyes.)
Tyler's mom is in a singing group that performs at Temple Square every Christmas, so we went and saw the lights and caught up with his parents there later that night.

Then for Christmas we got some fun baby things and  I also got a beautiful KitchenAid. We also got to talk to these 3 cool dudes.

We were lucky and got to Skype Haden and Trevor. Tanner was going to call at the same time, but ended up having some meeting. So instead we talked to him earlier that morning. Trevor got some chubby to him though, and I can't believe Haden will be home in 5 months...yayyy!!
The day following Christmas USU played their bowl game. We were going to watch it at our house with bad reception with our friends Danny and Amanda. Then they came up with an awesome plan. Amazon screwed up with one of their orders or something...bottom line they got $100 to Buffalo Wild Wings for free. So we went there. Let me tell you, that is how you enjoy a good football game. Free delicious food and drinks, they serve you, you're warm, on a soft seat, you don't have to clean up after, plenty of leftovers...yeah it was awesome. The fact that the Aggies won made it even better!!
Tyler also made a quick trip with his brother down to Arizona to watch the 49ers play the Cardinals

We also purchased a crib and changing table that came with lots of other baby goodies for a way good deal. Thank you kind couple on KSL. (though who puts brown covers on black furniture is beyond me, new covers to come soon). But I love them! Just what I wanted.  Now it's all crammed into our disaster of a spare bedroom. I have ideas for the nursery, but it's going to take a lot of rearranging and time.

And finally....a belly pic! 18 weeks


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